Thursday, November 12, 2009

HighDEAS: Tween pot heads post between bong rips

As I was reading an article on NY Mag yesterday I came across a link to a website called highDEAS. The basic gist is stoners post these 'profound' ideas that they have while high. Yup. Genius I know. We've all been there. You're sitting around your college apartment (see: shit hole), after partaking in some elicit activities when one of your buddies, usually the the most intellectually challenged of the group, enlightens everyone on some great idea, like starting a company that manufactures pop-tart iPod cases. I'm guilty of a highDEA that I still think is genius: a site called Myface, which somehow melds myspace and facebook? No? Whatever. Anyhow, while many of these postings are lame and produced my overzealous, still weed enthralled teenagers, most of which probably own at least one black light poster and the mandatory Phish shirt, there are some GEMS to be found amongst the garbage. Here's a sample of some of my contenders:

Dinosaurs are fucking tight

Dinosaurs are so fucking tight to look at when your high.It's just fucking strange to think that there were these big ass animals walkin around and shit.

Those guys

Does anyone notice that we use the term "they" when ever we think things should be invented?

"I think they should make gushers cereal"

Aligator trampoline

......I actually forgot what i was going to write.

Vacum Cleaners

Whoever Thought of Vacums? I mean they just cruise around and suck stuff up. I think they're pretty fuckin sweet if you ask me.

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