Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Plastic Bag"

In a beautiful 18 minutes, Werner Herzog, mesmerizing voice that he is, tell the story of his struggle with immortality as a plastic bag. With a social message of the need for sustainable products and Eco-friendly goods that you barely notice behind the beautiful imagery and enchanting narration, this is a a beautiful, be it small, film.

"This short film by American director Ramin Bahrani (Goodbye Solo) traces the epic, existential journey of a plastic bag (voiced by Werner Herzog) searching for its lost maker, the woman who took it home from the store and eventually discarded it. Along the way, it encounters strange creatures, experiences love in the sky, grieves the loss of its beloved maker, and tries to grasp its purpose in the world.

In the end, the wayward plastic bag wafts its way to the ocean, into the tides, and out into the Pacific Ocean trash vortex — a promised nirvana where it will settle among its own kind and gradually let the memories of its maker slip away."- FUTURESTATES

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