Tuesday, March 23, 2010

"Plastic Bag"

In a beautiful 18 minutes, Werner Herzog, mesmerizing voice that he is, tell the story of his struggle with immortality as a plastic bag. With a social message of the need for sustainable products and Eco-friendly goods that you barely notice behind the beautiful imagery and enchanting narration, this is a a beautiful, be it small, film.

"This short film by American director Ramin Bahrani (Goodbye Solo) traces the epic, existential journey of a plastic bag (voiced by Werner Herzog) searching for its lost maker, the woman who took it home from the store and eventually discarded it. Along the way, it encounters strange creatures, experiences love in the sky, grieves the loss of its beloved maker, and tries to grasp its purpose in the world.

In the end, the wayward plastic bag wafts its way to the ocean, into the tides, and out into the Pacific Ocean trash vortex — a promised nirvana where it will settle among its own kind and gradually let the memories of its maker slip away."- FUTURESTATES

Monday, March 15, 2010

Willies and Hoohoos

A great spot out of TBWA agency in Paris. Another "dirty" spot in the anti-AIDS campaign. Great creative and final result. Too bad this would never fly on U.S. airwaves.

Thursday, March 11, 2010


So I came across this on StumbleUpon today. It's a flash animated beatbox looping generator that you can sample with and make dope little mixes. Just drag samples to these somber looking little dudes, and it automatically kicks in the new samples on the next bar. Prettty self explanatory, but there's also a mini tutorial thing once you enter into it. Addictive as shit. I got little done at work today...

The 50 Most Badass Sports Celebrations

Via Complex, a lot to sort through, but some of these are amazing. Like Prince Fielder's walk off "bomb'' team celebration. Awesome.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Amazing New Video by Yeasayer

So Yeasayer released the video to their (my favorite off Odd Blood) song "O.N.E" today. Simply: the tits. Embed is disables, but click at the top for link.

BTW: I swear that's gotta be McCully Culken at 2:34. This is what an average Tuesday looks like for him anyways.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010


For those of you who haven't heard, the genius Aziz Ansari will be dropping a mixtape uner his alter-ego RANDY. This is poised to be a amazing. Here's some hype:

Blog That's Better Than Mine Of The Week

Bea Arthur Mountains Pizza

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Remix of the Day

Not new, but the video is, and this song is great

Please Welcome the Return of the Famous Jay-Z Gas Face


This article is priceless

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

New Weekly Feature: Blogs That Are Better Than Mine

...which is most. Anyways, I can across this today, and it is bliss:

Flaming Lips frontman Wayne Coyne's Wayne Coyne-ish house


Taxi Driver re-make? No Bueno...

As some may have read in NY Mag, rumors coming out of Sundance were that Lars Von Trier was in"talks" with Scorsese about a re-make of the groundbreaking and one of my personal favorite films of all time Taxi Driver.


First off there could be NO improvement. The magic of that time and feeling in NYC depicted in the film, of dreariness and a feeling of anxiety and of being trapped, of hopeless disgust and lack of any morality, could never be recreated or perhaps even understood today. And the way Scorsese re-wrote the book on film making, different shooting techniques and POV's would be both disrespectful to the Genious himself and to film history. Besides, Von Trier's a misogynistic creepy fuck. And a tool.

Remix of the day...week...month?

It's odd that this track would be remixed almost 3 years after it's release. Not odd in a bad way, odd in the fact that Boys Noize is usually so quick to jump on tracks that the remixes are flying out the door. However maybe the delayed release of this is perfect timing, as we all anxiously await the new Justice album in 2010, and need some grimy, hard hitting electro. This song is geniouslly arranged, and bangs in hard right when you want it to. It takes me back a few years, when this song basically changed my life. Hit the link for a free download.

Justice-Phantom Pt. 2 (Boys Noize Remix)

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Pic of The Day

Next Years Halloween Costume:

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Song of the Day

For everyone(which is basically everyone) who likes "Party in the USA", but feels a terrible lack of morality in admitting it to themselves or anyone else for that matter, here is your answer.

Biggie + Miley Cyrus – Party n Bullshit in the USA

(right click or for mac's control click, and save target as or download linked file as to download.)

Best of 2010 (so far)...in no specific order or categorically broken down

Sorry about the lack of posts. It's been awhile. AWHILE. I know you were really missing these posts, waking everyday looking forward to new updates only to have your hopes dashed by the all important and busy pH Miz. Sorry. I'm lazy. And easily distracted. And discouraged by general lack of traffic. But yeah, fuck shit. Break down of my last 2 post-less months:

Great Thanksgiving, Christmas and NYE. Snowboarding (not enough), working (too much), lots of Food Network/Travel Channel. Becoming a gym rat. Quit weed. And cigs (ish). Some live shows. Some movies. Some re-decorating. Good meals, good wine, good luck (won office playoff pool 2 weeks before the superbowl!), bad luck : spilled wine on GF's Macbook, Good Luck: Minimal damage, relatively cheap repair, Restaurant Week, and that leads us to today, where I bless you with the best news/things/events of early 2010, and what I'm (and you should be) excited about.

-Shake Shack announces uptown location...3 blocks from my apartment.
While 2 years ago, at my pot smoking alcohol guzzling waistline stretching days I would've rejoiced this as if it were another G-Men Super Bowl win, now I'm just plain scared...and excited. Kind of like when I saw Avatar sober.

-Yeasayer "Odd Blood"
This. Album. Is. The. Tits. When I first was emailed a single by these guys a few months back, i dismissed it almost immediately as not very unique and a little too drab for me. With the release of this year's sure to be "Manners" (or perhaps better as an entire album), this sets the bar for '10. High. Like Kanye West's ego high.
-Hot Chip "One Life Stand"
Ok. So I'm a sucker for basically anything Hot Chip related. But the new album, while moving on to a more subtle, less synth pop sound, is a beautiful LP. With highlights such as "Alley Cats", "Thieves in the Night" and the namesake song, it is a pretty stacked record, and one that if not fully living up to my ginormous expectations for this release, came close enough to not leave me sour.

-NYC Beef Jerky craze
I knew it would come soon. I'd been predicting it for months to the GF. Flying through our cupcake, pickle, and every other artisan fazes, it was imminent. And now it is here, and this little piggy couldn't be happier.

-Hurt Locker getting 9 Oscar nom's
'Nuf said, Jeremy Renner is my dude. Besides, Kathryn Bigelow is James Camerons ex, and who wouldn't love to see he shatter the HMFIC's billion dollar dreams.

-MTV announcing second season of Jersey Shore
Yup. Feel free to kill yourself/trow back some celebratory shots of Ron Ron Juice. Depending on what side of the fence you sit on. Me? Let's just say this situation couldn't get any better. Or could it?

-New Anthony Bourdaine: No Reservations
I just recently got into this show, and Tony himself. But the only thing better than a new season of a show you love, is falling in love with a show that has several previous seasons yet to be seen you can gorge on with DVR. This man has the best job in the world.

That's all that's coming to my mind this minute. Leave any suggestions in comments. And Hopefully we'll talk tomorrow.

Oh wait...